Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Exit Interview June 2019

1.Which assignments did you enjoy and why? 
 I really enjoy making the city because it help me concentrate. 


2. Which assignments did you struggle with and why?
I struggle with the raft assignment because it's really hard and lot of work to do.                           

3. What should your report card comment say? 
Tri is doing very good at class but he's lazy sometimes.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Game Journalism day 2

1. What specifically did you do today?
    I am  building  raft, making wooden spear to send a shark to heaven. I also make a fishing rod.

2. What did you learn about how to play the game (TIPS&TRICKS)?
   I learn how to build raft, collecting more debris, survive in the middle of ocean.
    I know how to make water purifier. 

3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?
      I'll try to complete all assignment. 

Monday, June 10, 2019

Game Journalism day 1

Raft is a game about survival. The story is about a man stay on raft and he lost his family in the middle of ocean.

Player need to take everything on the water to survive and wood to upgrade your raft

wood using for building a raft, barrels to contain food.

Leaf using for cooking.

this one is also using for building boat.

 To collect debris, press E

Shark bite your raft after 4 minutes. When you're under water, shark will kill you. To survive, you must collect debris and also water, food.
I'm dead because I didn't collect enough debris and killed by shark.

Friday, May 31, 2019



Slowest car with two seat

  • 100 mph sedan (4) seats
    • 100 mph sedan (2) seats
      • 100 mph   Minivan (6) seats 

    Tuesday, May 28, 2019

    Pong game part 5

    The ball’s speed is reversed 

     The ball's angle changing when it hit the paddle